By: Reynaldo B. De Vega, MD
Written By: Dinna Aguilos, MD • Batch 1988

FEU- NRMF Medical Alumni Society

We expected nothing less from one of the greatest sons of FEU-NRMF and the longest-serving President of the FEU-NRMF Medical Alumni Society Dr REYNALDO B. DE VEGA. His love for and devotion to the institution he has served for the majority of his adult life remains legendary and unmatched. Widely known for his meticulous attention to detail and demanding demeanor towards work, he challenged himself more during his incumbency; for his beloved co-alumni and the Medical Alumni Society, he delivered even more than we could imagine.

Humanitarian service lies as a core value of our institution and the Medical Alumni Society is foremost in its implementation. Continuing the tradition of free medical and surgical missions to the underserved sections of our society, Dr de Vega coordinated and collaborated with local and US-based alumni to enable this activity. He also worked hand-in-hand with civic society organizations such as the Knights of Columbus in Operation Tuli and organized health lectures by alumni graduates targeted at these sectors.
He further institutionalized indigency funding by establishing the Medical Indigency Mechanics for Funding Committee chaired by Dr Evelyn Palaypayon ensuring that the donations received by the Alumni Society were delivered to rightful recipients, correctly disbursed and transparently audited.

Valuing academic excellence as a source of our institutional pride, Dr de Vega tapped local and foreign graduates to support various projects focused on this. He sought donations from individuals to fund monetary rewards to carefully chosen students including one of the Most Outstanding Graduates of 1993 (Dr Armando Policarpio) as well as the Physician Licensure Exam Board Topnotcher of Aug 1993 (Dr Raymond Razonable). Review classes and mock board exams were also continually conducted under the auspices of the MAS providing our reviewees a venue for the real-life experience they were about to encounter. Fellowship grants and training assistance were awarded by the MAS to Dr Randy Urtula (Pediatric Gastroenterology) and Dr Ariel Lajada (Radiology training in St Louis University and Hospital, Missouri). A six-month monetary support for alumni undergoing fellowship training was also implemented during his term. He was instrumental in procuring Class 1967’s donation of 1 Million Pesos intended for the establishment of a modern Medical Library at the then-being-constructed FEU-NRMF in Fairview, Quezon City.

Recognizing the role of the alumni medical faculty and staff in shaping the minds of our future alumni,
Dr de Vega initiated a combined FEU-MAS and FEU Hospital Sportsfest chaired by Dr Aquilina Sioson to foster friendship and camaraderie. He was the first to recognize the value of the mentors of the Most Outstanding Graduates and acknowledged these Senior and Junior Faculty accordingly. He also capably guided the Annual Alumni Homecoming Organizational Committee during his terms resulting in successful events held at the Philippine Plaza Hotel and Tektite Towers. Aimed at showcasing leadership by example and continuity through tradition, these activities hoped to encourage the participation of our future alumni when their time to shine arrives.

Effective communication is a vital element in any organization. Recognizing the lack of a singular and reliable communication system between the Alumni Society and its members, he initiated the revival of the FEU-NRMF Medical Alumni Society Newsletter. Tapping Dr. Vic Fileto T. Chua to spearhead this project, the Newsletter was successfully re-launched. Acting as a platform for sharing updates, achievements, and announcements, it encourages active engagement amongst the alumni as well as a sense of community to the entire FEU Medical Family. Now rebranded as “Intrinsic Murmur”, it continues to deliver its service mandate via responsible communication and information dissemination in this digital era.

The general structure of the Medical Alumni Society required rehabilitation both figuratively and literally. Amendments to its Constitution and By-laws were proposed by the committee led by Dr Noe P. San Jose during the Alumni Business Meeting of Aug 6, 1993 with the aim of improving governance and operational efficiency of the alumni association. Likewise, the FEU-NRMF Medical Alumni Office underwent renovations during his term including its repainting and wallpaper installation as well as the acquisition of a new state-of-the-art computer for the use of its staff. These initiatives of the Society during Dr de Vega’s term were directed towards enhancing the service of the Alumni Society and the physical Alumni Office to its constituency as well as keeping current its efficiency with technological advancement.

Dr de Vega acknowledged that the relationship between the Alumnus and his Alma Mater was life-long hence he envisioned ways to develop this. Life Membership to the Alumni Society was initiated during his term. For a minimal amount (with the proceeds directed towards funding the various society projects), an alumnus may register as a Life Member with accompanying benefits. Foremost of these benefits is the assistance in admission to the School of Medicine of the children of the alumni. Dr de Vega further formalized this by successfully campaigning for the allotment of 10 slots to the Freshman Year of the Doctor of Medicine Program of the School of Medicine to qualified children of the alumni. To date, almost 300 alumni have availed of this benefit and many of these children are now also our alumni graduates who uphold the values and virtues instilled in them by the FEU-NRMF.

Beyond all these undertakings during his term, Dr de Vega represented the Medical Alumni Society to the Board of Trustees of the Far Eastern University- Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation ensuring that the alumni’s perspectives were heard in the institution’s collective decision-making.

Dr de Vega’s incumbency as President of the MAS can best be described as both dynamic and dedicated. Fostering excellence in medical education, supporting professional development and serving the community through various philanthropic and educational endeavors, the FEU-NRMF Medical Alumni Society forged ahead and delivered the goods under his able leadership.

Ad Astra Per Aspera!


Class ’61
FEU – Institute of Medicine

My memory has been dimmed by time and age.

I am a 1961 graduate of FEUNRMF Institute of Medicine

My recollection of my active involvement in the Medical Alumni Society started when I became Chief of Clinic of FEUH, a position I held from May 16,1983 to May 31, 1985. I was appointed as Hospital Director from August 8, 1985 and held the position until June 11, 2003.

At that time (1983), the Philippine-based FEUNRMF Medical Alumni Society was literally not active, with no funds at all to support any Alumni activity and with its leadership in hiatus.

To revive the Alumni spirit and the Association, I gathered some alumni who were faculty members in the Institute of Medicine and or consultants in FEUH. Some of them were Dr. Leonardo Ona, Dr. Esperanza Uro-Balcos, Dr. Merlin Cipriano, Dr. Delfin Tan, Drs. Abelardo and Evelyn Palaypayon, Dr. Rolando Casis, Dr. Rogelio Cabe, Dr. Jovencio Delos Reyes, Dr. Dean Campo Cruz and many more, whose names I cannot recall now… Some of these alumni have passed away and I cannot get memories of alumni activities from them. We contributed P500 each to raise funds for our initial meeting.

We initiated and continued with alumni informal gatherings, rotating on shouldering expenses for these meetings. Through the secretary and helped by Dra Balcos, we contacted our alumni.

We coordinated with the US based FEUNRMF Alumni Society. Thereafter, subsequent meetings followed, with activities on postgraduate courses, social activities, and continuing interactions with US and Philippine based FEUNRMF alumni.

The US-based and Philippine based alumni coordinated with each other, and through the years, we continued to hold social and scientific fora.

I represented the Phil-based alumni society in the annual US based alumni reunions. In the year when Dr. Marcelo Cruz was COC or Dept Head, I attended the alumni reunion in the US. In the yearly alumni gathering, particularly when Class 61, headed by Dr. Phillip Chua, celebrated our 25th anniversary as graduates of FEU Institute of Medicine, I again represented the local alumni society.

In the Philippines, we held the annual January alumni gatherings, with scientific and social activities, with participation and support of the US-based alumni.

The Scholarships to deserving medical students provided by US-based Medical Alumni are continuing up to the present time.